Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Solution that solve oil crisis

According to the author in "Oil price and depletion", the unstable situation of the oil price is connected to political problems. And also the author mentioned many countries as examples; for example, Russia, Caspian countries and U.S.A. In Russia's case, they face a shortage of food and it makes many trade problems, so finally the oil price increases. Furthermore, there is war in Caspian because of oil. And we can see that the coinciding of oil and gas shortages makes many problems in America. For a long time, oil has supported our economy, but nowadays a bad situation has been made by the oil crisis, and sometimes it is used for political purposes.

Oil affects not only our economy but also political parts. But instability of oil prices has bad effects to our life. So for those reasons, we should try to solve the oil crisis.

The first solution is that OPEC countries should provide sufficient oil. Like this article said, discord of supply and demand makes increasing of oil price. Actually, oil is motive power of economy to most POEC countries. So it is natural behavior that they use oil to politic. But they also can't deny that their wrong behavior has bad effects on the world, so it can be a solution that they increase of oil production in OPEC countries.

The second solution is to save oil. Oil is a nonrenewable resource. So it means it disappears after we use it. And also w ehave limited time to use oil, because the amount of oil is fixed. Furthermore it makes environmental problems, for example, air pollution and acid rain. Crucially, oil makes war, trouble with other countries, and economic problem. So for those reasons, we should use renewable and natural energy to save oil.

The third solution is developing substitute resources. The amount of oil is limited, so it means that someday, it will not remain on the earth. So we should prepare for our future. There are many suggetions about substitute resources; vegetable oil, fish oil, and alcohol. But hydrogen is the best substitute energy. There are many benefits, but it has few defects. It doesn't let out pollutant substances. We also can get it easily and it has efficiency. So for those benefits, many scientists study hydrogen energy and hydregen cars.

Oil is a very important thing to our lives, but it brings many problems. Especially, the oil crisis is a big problem. So we should solve oil problems. In the article, the author explains bad effects of oil depletion and crisis. Through the article, we can figure out the serious situation of the oil problem. And there are 3 solutions. The first is increasing of oil priduction of OPEC countries; it helps the consistency of supply and demand; we should save oil; and we should use reneable energy rather than using oil. And through studying about substitute resources, we can prepare for our future.

Reference :
Campbell, C.J. Oil price and Depletion. (2000, June 6). Ecosystem. Retrieved on July 7, 2008, from: http://www.

Monday, July 7, 2008

How to solve oil crisis

According to author in "Oil:A global crisis", factors of the Iraq war result in the oil crisis. Experts said the oil price won't level off and its price has been increased six times since 2002. So for those increasing of oil price caused the Iraq war to occur. And in many experts' views, oil crisis makes many problems. First is the increasing of dissatisfied consumers, because the oil price will not be stable because of oil crisis. And second is oil price collapse. Oil price becomes like a trash in some countries that don't have oil, but in OPEC countries, they can get lots of cash. And third if that oil price soars, because decreasing production makes oil price soar.

Oil is a very important factor in our lives, so its crisis brings many problems; war occurs, and it influences out life. So we should try to solve oil crisis.

The first solution is increasing production of oil in OPEC countries. The root reason of the oil price problem is insufficient oil in the world. The U.S.A wants to get more oil, so war is occuring now. Supply is short but demand is increasing now. So this situation makes oil price instable.

Second solution is using fuel energy less than now. Actually we waste fuel energy. But it causes depletion of our resources. Furthermore, oil is nonrenewable energy. So wasting oil creates a situation that increases oil price. To save oil, for example, we should take public transportation like bus and subway. Especially, bicycles are the best to solve the problem, because they don't require oil.

Third solution is developing substitute energy. It is better to use renewable energy than oil. Especially, hydrogen is the best substitution energy, because it has many benefits but it has hardly any defects. First of all, it can give stability to the global economy, because our economy is affected by oil price. But it exists all over the world. So we don't have to fight to get oil, and our economy can become stable. And it can't make an environmental problem. Actually oil creates many environmental problems. But hydrogen is natural energy, so in the end it doesn't cause an environmental problem and can stop the war over oil.

Nowadays the oil crisis is a global problem and it makes many problems. For example, it increases the dissatisfied consumers by increasing the oil price. Especially, it is a very big problem the Iraq war. So we should solve the oil crisis. There are 3 solutions; increasing of oil production in OPEC countries, not wasting energy and development of substitute energy.

Murray, J. (2008, May 25). Oil: A global crisis. The Independent. Retrieved on July 1, 2008, http:// www.